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I’m jealous of the heterosexuals

Don’t get me wrong I love my straights (haha) but I do envy them. Mostly the girls sake, but I envy them for one very specific reason. A reason they take advantage for their entire life - sometimes they might even see it as less of a blessing than I do. They say that I’M lucky! And maybe yes maybe more time than not I am BUT

To my heterosexuals reading — you guys have a good thing going , let me explain this one very simple specific thing

Y’all can just “accidentally” have a baby and then be so happy.

Okay , yes we do not like accidents and we should be more careful - 100% right to say that but hear me out okay?

Its the process emotionally and physically that is what I’m jealous of. For us gays having a baby has to be so intentional , we have to look at our pros and cons list , look at our banks account and determine “hmmm, is now really really a good time?”

(Which maybe we should all do anyway but that’s not the point right now)

The point is we’re constantly putting it off just a little because if we don’t love our decision later down the line ; looking at our beautiful child .. it will be all on us.

Yes, granted we will have a wonderful child to admire growing up but we just don’t have the luxury of being in a position that we’re ready and we’re just on the fence if we’re emotionally ready and then we go home do the nasty happens and BAM “omg honey.. I’m pregnant” ... totally unexpected— we might not have really wanted this right now but it’s happening right now and we’re thrilled.

We don’t get that whole ordeal.

We gotta sit down pen and paper in hand , glasses on and think - when do we wanna look at creepy random men’s genes and go down to the doctors to get it shot up in us.

In all and all , cheers to my heteros , you’ve got it good.

And to my gays , I feel your pain!


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